Michica Guillory is the broker of 的 Guillory Group real e状态 firm and owner of 的 Guillory Group School of Real E状态. 2021 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®年度教育家开发了新课程“First”, 不是大麻:合法的大麻法律和德克萨斯州的2021十大正规彩票app,这是她在二月份的德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®冬季会议上第一次教授的.

2020年3月中旬,就在COVID-19开始颠覆美国人的生活之际.S.德克萨斯州开始接受种植工业大麻的许可证申请. 从那以后,这个行业一直在悄悄发展.

By January 2021, Texas Agriculture Commissioner Sid Miller was touting the Texas “hempire.超过1个,发放了150张生产许可证, 5,000-plus acres of permitted hemp in the ground and more than 15 million square feet of permitted hemp in greenhouses. “I still believe hemp offers Texas farmers a great opportunity and I look forward to continuing to improve our program here in the Lone Star State,米勒写道.

Hemp entrepreneurs are buying land to grow crops and leasing commercial space to sell products. 这就是你的用武之地. 你, 作为一个2021十大正规彩票app专业人士, 如果你的客户使用工业大麻,你需要知道该怎么做.

管理大麻的法律相对较新,仍在不断发展. Congress legalized industrial hemp as part of the Agricultural Improvement Act of 2018, and Gov. 雅培于2019年6月签署了相关立法,即众议院第1325号法案. 美国.S. 农业部后来批准了德克萨斯州的规定, 国家在2020年3月实施的.

“我的2021十大正规彩票app是务农 & 牧场和商业代理商是要了解有关大麻业务的一般情况,德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人®高级讲师Michica Guillory说. “的re are products like shirts and socks and bags that have nothing to do with tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) limits. 但你必须了解这些事情. 我们得搞清楚我们在说什么.”


大麻 植物属有两个著名的品种:大麻和大麻. 以下是它们之间的一些区别.

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is the intoxicating chemical that causes psychological or psychoactive effects. 大麻含有5%到35%的四氢大麻酚. 任何包含大于0的数.3%的四氢大麻酚在法律上被认为是大麻. 同时,大麻中含有不超过0.3% THC.

大麻二酚(CBD)是一种不令人陶醉的化学物质,有时用于医药. 大麻含有10%以上的CBD,而大麻含有20%以上的CBD.

Hemp is an agricultural commodity defined in Section 121 of the Texas Agriculture Code. Marijuana is considered a Schedule I controlled substance by federal law and is illegal to deliver or possess in Texas under Section 481 of the Texas Health and Safety Code.

不幸的是,对于试图区分两者的人来说, 一些合法的大麻产品在营销中提到了大麻和大麻文化. 其中一个例子就是公司在4月20日推出CBD产品, 与大麻有关的一天.

还有大麻 耗材 根据它们的四氢大麻酚含量,可以应用或摄入非大麻. 这些可能会与 食物, the colloquial term for ingested products with levels of THC that are illegal in Texas.


So what makes dealing with hemp industry clients any different than your other clients?

因为大麻的规则是新的,而且还在不断变化, 客户和他们的律师需要确保他们的业务受到保护.

“就商业租赁而言, many landlords require businesses to back their written commitments with a personal guarantee,吉洛里说。. “That individual is risking their personal credit when agreeing to be a guarantor to the lease. How we assist and guide our clients in completing their lease transactions becomes very important.”

One of the simplest ways to help clients is to ask them to consider offering a product or service or using the property in a way unrelated to hemp and/or CBD. That way the clients can still pay the rent and expenses if their products are found to have illegal amounts of THC or if products are confiscated for testing.

的第10A段 商业租赁 (TXR 2101) puts the responsibility on the tenant to not use the property for any activity that breaks federal, 状态, 或者当地法律. 第10C段取消了房东的责任.

形式 and contracts from 德州2021十大正规彩票app经纪人® and the Texas Real E状态 Commission do not cover every situation or scenario that may occur with hemp industry clients, Guillory解释说. 你r clients may hire an attorney to help add language to Special Provisions or addenda to these documents to best suit their needs.

Clients who would like to distribute CBD products or those who make any change to a consumable hemp product, 从重新包装到重新贴标签, will need a consumable hemp product license from the Texas Department of State Health Services. 此类许可证的申请需要该物业的GIS坐标, 法律的描述, and a letter from the property owner authorizing 状态 or other law enforcement agencies to enter onto all premises where hemp is processed, 或生产消耗性大麻产品, 进行实际检查或确保遵守许可证法律. 你r clients should consult their attorney for any questions regarding the application process.

大麻和农场 & 牧场地产

农场 & 牧场的合同 (TXR 1701, TREC 25-14)和 农场 & 牧场上市协议(独家销售权) (TXR 1201)包含有关大麻的重要规定.

农场和牧场上市协议 包括段落现有作物和谁得到他们, 除外责任, 以及各种土地契约, 版税, 水权, 限制, 和分区.

了解农业和木材豁免是很重要的. Clients can claim tax exemptions when buying items used exclusively for producing agricultural and timber products. “如果你的客户打算改变目前的土地用途,一定要和他们商量过, 因为这可能会影响税收,吉洛里说。.


全国大麻协会, nationalhempassociation.org

全国工业大麻委员会, nihcoa.com

德州公共账目审计长, 审计.德州.政府

德州农业部, 德州agriculture.政府

德州州务卿, 紧急求救信号.状态.tx.us

U.S. 海关及边境保护局 海关与边境保护局.政府

美国农业部国家食品研究所 & 农业、 nifa.美国农业部.政府

农场 & 牧场的合同 also includes paragraphs on who gets existing crops, rights, and interests on the property. 据吉洛里说,汉麻还将焦点放在了口头租赁的参数上. Perhaps a family obtained verbal permission from a landowner 60 years ago allowing them to farm the land. 那份口头租约包括大麻吗? 口头租赁可能不包括在产权保险单中. 这种情况可能需要律师来解决.

Clients wanting to produce or handle hemp will need a producer license from the Texas Department of Agriculture. 的y will also need a permit for each lot where they intend to produce or handle the hemp. 还有其他几个要求, and clients should consult their attorneys to ensure that all licensing requirements are met.


有大量关于工业大麻的错误信息. Guillory suggests sticking with official sources like the 德州农业部, 全国农业部门协会, 和德州运动协会&M大学农业生物推广.

TREC规则和NAR道德规范要求你具备一定的能力. Guillory says if you don’t have competency, connect with a real e状态 specialist to help you.

“当谈到大麻产业时,我告诉人们, 如果你要跳进池子里, 你最好带上你的花车. 事情变化很快,你需要为发生的一切做好准备,”她说.